As part of the LearnUCS Review a number of semi-structured interviews were undertaken with academic staff. The two broad questions asked, were;
1. How are you currently using the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) within your teaching, learning or assessment practice?
2. How would you like to use the VLE to enhance your teaching, learning or assessment practice?
The intention of the review is to ensure the VLE (in the widest context) is fit for purpose to support UCS’s 2020 Vision.
LearnUCS is the VLE component of UCS learning technologies. The full suite is available from the e-Learning Tool Landscape
The analysis has been to cluster discussion into common themes. Each of these includes a response and set of actions to be completed by the Elevate Team.
The broad findings are;
- The majority of the “can’t do it” issues are actually possible, and in many cases have been for a while. This implies the need to revisit our service communication plan to improve its effectiveness.(what, with whom and when). It is proposed if this can be improved the potential barriers to adoption will be reduced.
- There is a need to provide easier access to support people (Elevate Team) for staff. Many of the issues will be addressed through just-in time support, and not an over reliance on online materials.
General Use
Is this possible?
Action for the Elevate Team
Overall responses are slow (updating, uploading, moving from one file to another)
The software is hosted by Blackboard and the speed is very good, Therefore, people who encounter this are likely to be suffering a local IT issue.
Continue to monitor service performance.
Staff would like a “Drag&Drop” function
This is currently in development by Blackboard.
Watching brief
Need a “my preferences” in the VLE, so that it can be set up to each user. This way Staff can have what they want to view and how. This would save Staff repeatedly having to click the same options.
There are a number of customisations an individual can make to the look and feel, and communication routes
Update guide and include in course support.
Navigation is a problem. There are too many menu options that do not make sense to most (terminology is really for VLE experts), and are never used by most. A more basic template was suggested that could then be built up by staff.
Assuming this relates to the module menu which is rolled out across all modules.
This is kept to a minimum, but can be changed by staff on a module by module basis.
Update guide and include in course support on managing menus.
Should look to involve a wider group of people in the design of the module menu.
IT is a big problem when using the VLE. The equipment is not suitable (Too old/ Screens too small), and the software is not updated regularly enough. Several times Staff have not been able to grade as students have done their work on more up-to-date versions of for example Mahara.
W.r.t the desktop hardware, this is a known issue being addressed by IT Services.
In terms of software being used by students to author assignments, file formats are an issue. The move to inline grading should start to reduce this problem as the system converts file types.
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Embedding Links is still hard. 8 out of the 10 Staff spoken to just place a link to the external site they want to direct the students too.
This will depend on the type of link. The starting point is Blackboard has a web link tool within content area.
Deep linking is possible, but reliant on the software being linked to, ie., Summon, for it to work.
Alternatively, embedding YouTube links is straightforward using the content mash up tool.
Update guide and include in course support on adding links.
Staff would like a built in automatic Spell check, as at the moment it is a manual check and if staff forget to click things go out to students un-reviewed.
The text entry box in LearnUCS has a spell checker.
In addition, increasingly modern browsers are including a built-in spell checker
Update guide and include in Course Support
The incorporated text editor needs to be “less picky”. When staff copy text into the VLE, it always reformats it (if copied from word for example). You have to go into the HTML code to reformat back. VLE doesn’t seem to recognises simple Doc formats.
The latest version on the text editor should reduce the issues with cut and paste from word and web docs.
It is designed to remove the remove hidden code. Therefore, you will be required to manually tweak the editing.
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Functionality to facilitate external experts (UK/ other countries) - external login so that expert can for example do a live broadcasts, feed in a podcast, live webinar/chat.
This functionality is not provided within the LearnUCS license.
There are a number of alternative solutions at UCS, including Visimeet and Google Hangouts
Update guide and include in Course support.
Write a discussion paper on on this topic, to include examples of use, the technologies to achieve this, and the support mechanisms.
Course Area
Is this possible?
Action for the Elevate Team
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It was noted that Staff would prefer a template in place for how modules should look like, this way giving all modules a similar feel and make it easier for students to use. Individual Staff could then just add in the few extra bits they need to the module layout if needed.
LearnUCS courses have a number of templates. This includes the generic menu item.
The current approach is to keep generic templates as simple as possible.
If a lecturer or course teams wish to develop generic structures for their modules, they can copy these into courses.
Update guide and include in course support on copying structures between courses.
Quiz function/survey tools are not very flexible and take too much time to do very basic things. It is hard to link quiz 1 to quiz 2 and embedding links into this function is problematic. Most Staff use external sources (survey Monkey/Articulate Quiz Master)
Not completely sure of the issue around the quiz. The connection between completing and releasing quizzes is often managed through adaptive release.
W.r.t LearnUCS survey tool offers limited functionality in terms of non-enrolled people being able to access the survey. Therefore, alternative tools tend to be used.
Update guide and include in course support on using the quiz tool and adaptive release.
Copying files from one course to another needs improving to be more streamlined. There seems to be a lot of unnecessary steps/links. Staff need to be able to have multiple selections to move things over rather than one at a time; or even be able to move a whole course over.
Will need to revisit our user education around the most appropriate and effective route, as Module Copy, and Folder Copy are within the software.
Update guide and include in course support on copying structures between and within courses.
The Podcast tool is gone – or at least impossible to find now. Very useful and needs to be brought back.
This was removed due to license costs, and low usage.
There are alternative solutions available. Staff need to contact the Elevate Team to discuss their requirements.
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Would like a google Drive/Dropbox type interface where staff can file share and “group” edit. At the moment most are using Google Drive.
The integration of Google into LearnUCS is feasible via a building block. A number of integrations have been developed by other institutions. However, our policy has been to reduce dependency (and risk) on 3rd party developments.
The co-authoring of documents can be managed through the LearnUCS Wiki and Group Tools.
Update guide and include in course support on co-authoring documents in LearnUCS
Give course leaders the ability to add a new member of staff. At the moment only the course administrators can do this but there are times they are not available (or there isn’t one).Also could it be allowed for the whole team that is delivering and cross mapping across many modules, have access to each/every module.
This process is currently managed by the Course Administrators and it would be advisable to continue this practice. It would be advised to discuss needs with Course Administrator and ask them about cover arrangements.
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Integration of dissertations/portfolios area. This would allow students to build up their portfolios thoughout the year. However they would then need access to it after they leave which may be problematic.
A link can be included to the UCS dissertation file store (repository).
With respect to the portfolio discussion Mahara is currently the UCS portfolio tool. It offers possibilities for external access and export.
Discuss with Learning Services and IT Services about potential to include links to dissertation store.
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Staff would like an easier way to track student’s usage. What is available is hard to find and then for staff it’s even more difficult to get what they want out of it. For example staff would like to diagnose how students are using VLE, how students use material, how often and what length of time, the scores of students in the formative assessment as a whole and grouped and the date of last access. One Dashboard that could be set up for each course.
Most of this is currently possible through the Performance Dashboard and Retention Centre.
However, if seeking sophisticated integration, planning is required in terms of the design and timing of the learning task.
Write a discussion paper on on this topic, to include examples of use, the technologies to achieve this, and the support mechanisms.
Easier access to “Student View” of VLE. It is not always apparent how modules present themselves to students. The “Student view” at moment is only module level and staff would like it to be course level.
There is a fully functioning student preview, including the submission of work.
Update guide and include in course support on the Student Preview function.
Integrate what students are doing on VLE to their LinkedIn profile. So as they are mapping their skills/tasks as they progress, it can be structured similar to LinkedIn. This would make it easily transferable, or could then be exported to LinkedIn later?
Currently, LearnUCS does not integrate with LinkedIn.
LearnUCS is a staff/lecturer controlled learning space. therefore, with respect to student evidencing skills they should use an alternative. Mahara (or alternative externally hosted solutions), or the Blog function within LinkedIn maybe a more appropriate tool
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Staff would like more user friendly Bibliographical software
Make Learning Services aware of request.
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Staff would like something like iBooks, that is a digital space of eBooks, that isn’t just reading list (just links) – UEA has a software.
Elevate Team have explored a number of ebook authoring tools.
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A software like Cengage is. Apparently it is a pre-prepared software that works alongside their textbooks, with prepared videos made for the textbooks and prepared formative assessment already made, which are then automatically graded.
Make Learning Services aware of this tool
Is this currently possible?
Action for the Elevate Team
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Announcement tool is reliant on students checking, rather than getting notification that something has been uploaded. A push type service is needed (There is an app – but we can’t expect students to pay for something to do with their course).
There are a number of different approaches. The announcements can be ‘pushed’ using the email option.
The mobile app is now free and cross platform. This offers many opportunities.
Create a student top tips for LearnUCS which includes a guide on effective strategies around notifications.
A system that allows Students to have a preference how they would like to receive updates/communication – text, email (which email), Facebook, twitter etc.
Some of this functionality is available. Students can set notification preferences to email or app notification.
Include within new Student top tips guide.
Announcements should not only be on MyUCS as RSS feed but also VLE
This is a wider discussion around integrating the intranet with the VLE. What are the objectives, and why would it help?
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All staff would like a real-time integrated communication tool – like Skype. The “virtual classroom is too clunky” and hard to use.
These features are available through Blackboard Collaborate. However, this would require an additional software licence.
Check feature specifications for Blackboard Collaborate
There needs to be an easier way of sharing information with students. Most staff will happily use FB. The Blog function is outside students comfort zone.
There are a large number of tools available within LearnUCS and different routes for students to be able to access them. We advise staff to initiate a discussion around expectations and communication strategies to ensure the tools are effectively used.
Update staff guides and top tips.
The discussion forum software is not easy to use. It reformats anything uploaded and staff cannot see threads easily. Also collating threads are hard.
There are a number of issues associated with copy and paste from Microsoft applications to any web-based tool will cause problems.
The threads issue is related to the software design.
Watching brief on the development of discussion boards w.r.t the usability.
Ensure guide and online support reflects latest version.
Staff have suggested integrating something like Twitter so students can feedback about and within particular lectures, but it’s all self-contained within VLE.
Twitter widgets can be embedded into LearnUCS.
Alternatively, if students are using the mobile app, they can upload comments and feedback into a blog or discussion board. An advantage of this over Twitter is it will keep it private to the group.
Is this currently possible?
Action for Elevate Team
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The window for grading is too small and has strange borders. A “Readers View” was suggested, so that it cuts out everything else from the page and you can just see the assignment. No extra clutter.
The inline grading interface has a number of issues which have been acknowledged by Blackboard.
This one has no timescale set for resolution.
Watching brief, and prioritise up grade when available.
Files do not always open, so staff have to print/download and mark anyway.
The inline grading interface has a number of issues which have been acknowledged by Blackboard.
This one has no timescale set for resolution.
Watching brief, and prioritise up grade when available.
Making comments on work is not easy as it is not displayed well.
The inline grading interface has a number of issues which have been acknowledged by Blackboard.
This one has no timescale set for resolution.
Watching brief, and prioritise up grade when available.
If you need to print off work with comments, it does not print off in a user friendly way. It needs to be more like Word and the track changes/comment column at the edge.
There is a user guide which outlines how to complete this using UCS supported software.
Include within new Student top tips guide.
When staff have to make available sample scripts, they have to make them all available rather than just selecting the ones they want.
The current approach (as informed by EE Committee) is to allow EE’s access to all materials
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VLE doesn’t default to giving you a list of all students. Defaults to 10 and then have to select show all. It needs to be other way around.
Known issue by Blackboard.
This one has no timescale set for resolution.
Watching brief
The VLE is also problematic when trying to grade outside of UCS
As VLE is externally hosted, there should be no reason from VLE aspect to explain different performance. Therefore, likely to be a local IT issue.
Raise awareness within the course support area.
Staff would like the ability to feedback to students first and then give the grade (more of a step by step process)
Blackboard are aware of this enhancement. No timescales.
Watching brief.
Would like assessment are to show most recent attempt first.
Will raise this with Blackboard account manager
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Staff would like to be able to “Batch Print” assessments, rather than have to do one at a time.
Will raise this with Blackboard account manager
Is this currently possible?
Action be Elevate Team
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Live Chat option with Elevate if troubleshooting.
The Elevate Team have explored the use of Google hangouts to offer live chat. The technology is robust, however, it requires a change in process. Staff may also encounter additional issues as they are in open plan, shared offices.
Include this within our existing support routes.
There is still a big resistance to online marking and most have said that it is because Staff are unsure how to properly use the VLE as well as the equipment not being up to scratch.
This divides into two areas. The support on using the tool is managed by the Elevate Team and the Course Admin.
The IT Issues is known and managed by IT Services
Ensure the guides and online help is clear and effective.
Staff are all at different ability levels. It was suggested that for every new Staff there should be a basic training package with one of elevate so that everyone is of the same understanding to start with.
We have released the LearnUCS Top Tips
Integrate digital capabilities and where to find help within the the welcome meeting.
It was also mentioned that for part-time staff it is hard to keep up-to-date with how information/VLE has changed. There is no notification process in place to Staff of updates or changes.
All staff can access LearnUCS specific updates and news available via LearnUCS courses and via the Elevate Team Blog
They can also ask members of the Elevate Team.
Make people aware of how they can find information about the service.
Staff unsure how to:
Use Peer assessment
Go about blending their course to be more online.
Use the “At Risk” section
Revisit the staff development programme and increase the engagement with the course teams.
Outside of the VLE
Is this currently possible?
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Almost impossible to record podcasts at UCS. There are not the facilities or quiet areas available, only the Skype room, which is not ideal.
This has been mentioned to various parties at UCS. The Elevate Team can help support staff on the creation podcasts / multimedia learning objects.
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