Strategic Priority: 1: To fully embed the use of technology enhanced learning (TEL) in teaching, learning and assessment practices
It is proposed that this will continue in three key ways:
- At the course team level to work more proactively with course teams through team developments in order to explore and deploy technology enhanced learning opportunities within teaching, learning and assessment models. In particular, working closely with course team validation and approval processes
- At the individual level, expand our offering to staff and students for just in time support and development around innovative uses of TEL. In particular, the expansion of the Elevate Team led UCS digital literacy programme
- On media literacies to expand our offering of audio-visual services to staff wishing to effectively incorporate multimedia within their teaching activities/materials.
Institution Level
- Elevate Team are now part of Learning Services.
- Started the LearnUCS (VLE) Review
- Implementation of recommendations from Electronic Management of Assessments
Attendance of e-Learning Developers at Course Committee Meetings
- Project - Understanding Assessment Criteria
- In curriculum - Flipped Model for Study Skills
In curriculum study skills within Dance, Level 4, Semester 1 & 2
Applied Social Science
- Social Work: Ning Social Network, Optical Mark Reader, In-curriculum (ICT Skills)
Provision of extended support for students from Learning Services
- Workshops (students and staff)
- Student tools for enhancing the reflective process
- Designing effective posters
- Designing effective presentations
- Becoming a connected learner
- Flipping your teaching model: the how and the why
- Getting more out of your LearnUCS module
- Using social media to become a connected educator
- How clickers can change the way you teach
- Monitoring student engagement and performance in your LearnUCS Module (Learning Analytics)
- Creating talk over powerpoints and similar videos
- Designing a technology enhanced, group based learning activity
- Getting started with objective testing (LearnUCS Quizzes and Optical Mark Readers)
Have captured and processed student presentations for formative and summative assessment including the following (over 100 videos in the last 4 months);
- English
- Computer Games Design
- Early Years Studies
- Development of in-curriculum study skills
- Writing discussion paper series
- Creation of study skills (badged) online course to support Maths, and ICT
- Creation of skills (badged) online course for Course Administrators
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